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When it comes to horror movies, not everyone can stomach high levels of gore or terror. Many of us don't see the point in watching a movie that will haunt our nightmares for weeks to come, even if it's THE thing to do during the month of Halloween. 

Fortunately, there are some horror movies that even people with weak stomachs will enjoy. Check out these seven films that are technically horror movies but still great for people who just want to dip a toe in the world of scary films. 

The Cabin in the Woods 

Although this film can technically fall under the horror category, it's got a fair amount of comedy and parody wrapped up in its plot. Five friends go for a trip at a remote cabin, but they soon realize they're involved in something horrible. The film has its scary moments, but overall, anyone older than sixteen probably shouldn't be too unnerved. 


If you're looking for more laughs than thrills, check out this lighthearted take on a zombie apocalypse. A gang of actors you know and love spend their days taking out the undead and surviving in a world that's as deadly as it is hilarious. A word of caution: things can get pretty bloody, so if you hate gore, maybe skip the zombie films. 

Get Out

This movie made huge waves when it hit the big screen a year ago, and it's still as dark and strangely humorous as it was then. A young African American man goes to visit his girlfriend's family over the weekend, and while he's there, he realizes that something is hugely wrong in their suburban home. Even people who hate jump scares will find themselves wrapped up in this mysterious plot. 

The Invitation 

Although this film isn't funny at all, adult viewers won't find it too unsettling. The Invitation follows a man as he attends a dinner thrown by his ex-wife and her new husband. What happens next is just creepy enough to satisfy your Halloween horror cravings, but not scary enough to make you sleep with the lights on. 

A Quiet Place 

Everyone will tell you that they were on the edge of their seat while watching this film, so if you hate tension and startling moments, you might want to skip A Quiet Place. Still, it's more thrilling than it is terrifying, like a rollercoaster through monster-infested woods. Watch apprehensively as a man tries to protect his family in a world where one accidental noise could end them all. 

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil 

Just a few minutes with Tucker and Dale will have you belly-laughing instead of screaming in terror. This might look like a horror film, but in reality, it's just a huge misunderstanding between two hillbillies and a group of young campers. There's blood and gore, but more than anything, there's A+ comedy. 

I Am Legend

In this classic American post-apocalyptic drama, Will Smith attempts to survive in a dead world full of surprisingly quick and smart zombies. It's definitely one of the scarier films on this list, but as long as you're not worried about zombies hiding in your closet, you'll probably enjoy the high levels of adrenaline.  

What horror movies do you like to watch during the month of October? Let us know in the comments below!  

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