BubbleLife Staff
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It's that time of year again. College students are cramming for their finals, that last stretch before the glorious winter break. Chances are, if you know a student, they're stressed out of their mind right now. 

One thing you can do to lift their spirits and motivate them is to send them a thoughtful care package. Consider sending one or two of these items to a student you know during the next week or two. 

1. Starbucks gift card. This one seems obvious, but trust me, there is no such thing as "too much caffeine" during finals week. Plus, coffee shops are great study locations, so gift cards give students the chance to camp out with their materials somewhere besides their cramped little dorm rooms. 

2. New headphones. These don't have to be especially fancy, but at school, it's easy to misplace your headphones in various jacket pockets and backpacks. It will be nice for your student to have an extra pair on hand in case they need to block out their roommate's chatter while cramming for their exam or writing a paper. 

3. Portable battery pack. Nothing's more annoying than being forced to trek back to your dorm room to grab a charger for your phone or laptop. Arm students with battery packs they can stick in their backpack so they aren't forced to cut their study sessions short when their devices start to die. 

4. Comfy clothing. Practically everyone lives in their sweats during these last few weeks of the semester, and you can never have enough sweatshirts or cozy socks at this time of year. 

5. Holiday-themed treats. It may not be winter break just yet, but munching on some gingerbread cookies or Christmas candy can certainly make students feel like the holiday is fast approaching. Plus, everyone needs some junk food to snack on during late-night, semi-panicked study groups. 

6. Highlighters and notecards. Because you can actually never have enough of these when it's time to take all your exams. 

7. Reusable water bottle. 
Staying hydrated during finals week is often low-priority, but if students want to stay healthy, they need to drink plenty of water. Encourage them to stick a reusable bottle in their backpack and fill it up throughout the day. 

8. Subscription to Spotify. 
The study playlists on this service are the best. You can either listen online or download them straight to your phone when you don't have service. 

9. Aromatherapy diffuser. 
Essential oils like lavender, chamomile and lemon are great for easing stress. Also, diffusers will cover up those nasty smells of unwashed laundry and dusty dorm rooms, making students feel more at home in their environment. 

10. Food they can make in their dorm room. 
On serious cram nights, students may opt to stay in rather than hitting the dining hall. Give them some snacks they can make in their dorm, like popcorn or instant oatmeal, so they don't run out of brain food. 

Do you have any other ideas for student care packages? List them in the comment section below! 

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