Acme Brick
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Talk to a resident of Colorado – whether they are new to the state or have been here for generations – and there is good possibility that the word “proud” will makes its way into the conversation in the first few minutes. There is something about the state or perhaps its people (or both) that exudes pride.

This could be due to its amazing natural beauty. It has postcard perfect mountains, pristine ski slopes, silver threads of rivers and streams, most likely brimming with trout which are all bathed in more than 300 days of sunshine every year. Maybe it’s the proud history of the old West which is now juxtaposed with a red-hot technology industry drawing the best and the brightest to the state

As one website notes, “If you ask us if we’re from Colorado you better have a couple of hours. We can talk for a long time about all the amazing things that make our state the best place to call home. Oh, and if we meet someone from Colorado while we’re traveling? Automatic best friend!”

Products Made in Colorado are World Class

Given this penchant for state pride, it’s no surprise that the residents of the state are extremely loyal to products which are made in Colorado by Coloradans. Such is the case with the homegrown brick that are made from Colorado clay at the Acme Brick plant in Castle Rock. As it turns out, this remarkable clay, which is found only in Colorado, really is amazing and the people who turn this raw material into brick of myriad colors are some of the most talented artisans in the world.

Lynn Burchfield, the regional production manager for Acme Brick, explained why Coloradans have ample reasons to be proud of the plant and its products.

“Our plant in Castle Rock has been producing brick for more than one hundred years,” he said. “Acme Brick purchased the plant about 15 years ago, and our team of about 55 people is composed of some of the best in the business. Our finished brick are comparable to the finest brick in the world.

“We currently produce about 25 million brick annually at this plant and, as demand increases, we have the capability of producing 50 million each year.

The Secret is the Unique Soil

The hikers and bikers who spend time exploring the mountains and countryside of this state have witnessed, first hand, the glorious colors found in the Colorado soil. The clay in this native soil is the “secret sauce” for the Acme Brick made in Castle Rock. Lynn explains.

“Because of the unique attributes of this Colorado clay, we are able to produce brick that run the color gamut from buff white to red to pink to gray and many shades in between,” he said. “In our industry, this is truly amazing. Our brick artisans take full advantage of this diverse color palette to produce brick in a stunning array of natural colors.     

“Because color can add a subtle or dramatic impact to any home or commercial building, architects love the many choices we offer,” Lynn noted. “They can use this range of colors to build creative designs, brick borders for the home or building and other treatments that require a more extensive range of colors.

“Plus, unlike wood or synthetic building materials, the color of our brick never fades. This means that the homes and commercial buildings built from the brick which came from native Colorado soil will last hundreds of years with little or no maintenance.  They will also require less energy to heat and cool.”

“We always say that ‘brick is the original green building material’ and this appeals to another trait that Coloradans are justifiably proud of: their respect for the environment,” he concluded.

If you are an architect or builder and you would like to see the range of colors offered by Acme Brick, Contact Jay Cox. You can also take a tour of the plant to see how this native soil is turned in the best brick in the world. This will give you one more reason to be proud of the great state of Colorado! 

Since its founding in 1891, Acme Brick has continually advanced the art and science of brickmaking, to make brick an affordable, sustainable, enduring, and beautiful choice for America's homeowers, builders, contractors, institutions, and businesses. - Contact Acme at  
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