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Many Colorado residents take pride in staying active and eating healthy foods, and according to this study from WalletHub, their dedication just might be paying off. The site recently took all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, and graded each on a scale that considered obesity numbers, health consequences and food and fitness. Colorado ended up with the lowest score (44.35 out of 100), which means it was deemed the slimmest state of all. 

To top it all off, Colorado also has some of the lowest percentages of obese adults and physically inactive adults. Most adults eat at least one serving of fruit and veggies each day, and a low number of adults suffer from Type 2 Diabetes when compared to some of the fattest states. Plus, fewer people in Colorado have high blood pressure problems than in most states. 

Across America, obesity rates have risen drastically in the past few decades. Lack of physical activity is certainly a big factor, as are genetics, sleeplessness, stress and emotional instability. Interested in learning more about WalletHub's study or Colorado's impressive stats? Click here to view WalletHub's study. 

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